Obraz (Russian: Образ). IPA: /ˈobrəs/ n.
There are many static site generators. Why choose Obraz?
This is a bugfix release.
What's new:
in the default config that affected copying
filesPlugins allow extending the site generation process via user-defined processing functions.
Featured plugins:
See other available plugins in the plugins documentation.
The source code is available on GitHub:
$ git clone https://github.com/vlasovskikh/obraz.git
Bug reports, feature requests, and contributions are welcome!
Let's create a statically generated blog!
Install Obraz from the Python package index:
$ pip install obraz
Create a new blog in the my-blog
$ obraz new my-blog
Generate your site using Obraz:
$ cd my-blog
$ obraz serve
and check the results in the browser by visiting https://localhost:8000/.
You've got your first Obraz blog up and running! Now it's time to play with the design and customize things.
Obraz is mostly compatible with Jekyll 1.4. Since most parts of the Jekyll documentation are valid for Obraz too, Obraz doesn't have its own documentation.
However, there are several differences from Jekyll you should be aware of.
See also the source code of sites that use Obraz for examples of using RSS feeds, Markdown pages, tags, custom URLs, etc.
Lightning talk (5 min) at PyCon RU 2013 (Russian)